

  • Accompanist

About Malcolm

Regarded as one of the greatest accompanists of his generation, Malcolm Martineau read Music at St Catharine's College, Cambridge before studying with Geoffrey Parsons at the Royal College of Music.

Malcolm is an Honorary Doctor and International Fellow of Accompaniment at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. He was Artistic Director of the 2011 Leeds Lieder Festival and he is the Artist Director of Oxenfoord International. His awards include the Walther Grüner International Lieder competition.

He works with singers such as Elina Garanča, Sonya Yoncheva, Florian Boesch, Günther Groissböck, Dame Sarah Connolly, as well as singers from the next generation such as Johanna Wallroth, Patricia Nolz and Konstantin Krimmel

He was made an OBE in the 2016 New Year’s Honours for his services to music and young singers.

Malcolm is based in London

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For availability and general enquiries:

Ivo Ivanov

Ivo Ivanov

Assistant Artist Manager


Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt

Season Highlights

Oct 2023
Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires; Auditorio Nacional Adela Reta, Montevideo
Works by Puccini, Tosti & Verdi Sonya Yoncheva (soprano) Malcolm Martineau (piano)
Nov 2023
Opéra National de Bordeaux; Deutsche Staatsoper, Berlin
Works by Puccini, Tosti & Verdi Sonya Yoncheva (soprano) Malcolm Martineau (piano)
Dec 2023
Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam
Works by Fauré, Poulenc, Brahms, Wolf, Eisler & Britten Sir Simon Keenlyside (baritone) Malcolm Martineau (piano)
Dec 2023
Opernhaus Zurich
Works by Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, Wolf, Fauré & Ravel Sir Simon Keenlyside (baritone) Malcolm Martineau (piano)
Dec 2023
Wigmore Hall, London
Works by Brahms, Wagner & Schönberg Dorothea Röschmann (soprano) Malcolm Martineau (piano)
Dec 2023
Gstaad New Year Music Festival
Works by Dowland, Gibbons, Handel, Purcell, Rameau, Verdi, Tosti & Puccini Sonya Yoncheva (soprano) Malcolm Martineau (piano)
Feb 2024
Hertz Concert Hall, Berkeley
Works by Bizet, Rachmaninoff, Rimsky-Korsakov, Saint-Saëns, Debussy, Strauss, Berg, Quilter & Gordon Erin Morley (soprano) Malcolm Martineau (piano)
Mar 2024
Teatro all Scala, Milan
Works by Brahms, Berlioz, Saint-Saëns, Gounod, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Chapí Elīna Garanča (mezzo-soprano) Malcolm Martinea (piano)



  • Recital with Lise Davidsen

    Zellerbach Hall
    Feb 2025 - Feb 2025
    • Martineau and Davidsen established an exquisite balance between stillness and delicacy with dramatic intensity. They stitched the delicate and the grave with finesse. They displayed a fastidious control of light and dark, low and high.

    • It was at this point Martineau worked a special kind of magic. I could have sworn there were cellos onstage during his introductory phrases, and he drew a truly orchestral sound from the piano.

  • Recital with Sasha Cooke

    Wigmore Hall
    Oct 2024 - Oct 2024
    • Martineau was an impeccable collaborator, somehow – as ever – playing the piano as if in character, supporting every shift in tone or mood.

  • Recital with Elīna Garanča

    Festival d’Aix-en-Provence 2024
    Jul 2024
    • With the amazing playing of Martineau, I was ecstatic when they performed Brahms’ “Von ewiger Liebe.” Their rendition of Strauss’s “Berfreit” had one of the best exclamations of sorrowful joy in the final “O Glück!” And their “Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne” was extraordinary, especially Martineau’s amazing playing of the piano introduction. Certainly, a fine recital to see where Garanča and Martineau’s musicianship fully blossomed.

    • Les romances se colorent de nuances variées, mais toujours vivaces qui requièrent l’abattage certain du pianiste. Occasion pour Malcolm Martineau de briller, lui dont le regard oscille en permanence entre ses partitions et la mezzo qu’il semble ne jamais quitter des yeux. The romances are coloured by a variety of nuances, but always lively, requiring the pianist's undoubted skill. This is an opportunity for Malcolm Martineau to shine, his gaze constantly oscillating between his scores and the mezzo he never seems to take his eyes off.

  • Recital with Miah Persson

    Prague Spring International Music Festival
    May 2024
    • Vždy je cenné přivést prvotřídní písňový večer, letos se o něj postarala Miah Persson s klavírním mistrem svého druhu Malcolmem Martineauem. It's always valuable to bring in a first class evening of song, and this year Miah Persson and piano master Malcolm Martineau provided the evening.

      • Jindrich Balek, Lidové noviny
      • 05 June 2024
    • není klavír pouhým doprovodem, ale spoluvytváří atmosféru do synergického celku, ... i tentokrát Malcolm Martineau potvrdil své mistrovství. Spočívá nejen ve virtuózním ovládání klavírní techniky, ale především v hloubce empatie a souznění právě se zpěváky. Způsob, jakým svým úhozem, dynamikou a frázováním souzní s lidským hlasem a hudebním i textovým obsahem interpretovaných písní, je vskutku mimořádný. Povyšuje koncerty na výjimečné zážitky. the piano is not a mere accompaniment, but co-creates the atmosphere into a synergistic whole, ... Malcolm Martineau has confirmed his mastery this time too. It lies not only in his virtuoso command of piano technique, but above all in his depth of empathy and harmony with the singers in particular. The way in which he harmonises his stroke, dynamics and phrasing with the human voice and the musical and textual content of the songs he interprets is truly extraordinary. He elevates concerts to exceptional experiences.

    • K čemuž přispěl i pianista Malcolm Martineau svojí citlivou, měkkou, básnivou hrou. Pianist Malcolm Martineau contributed to this with his sensitive, soft, poetic playing.

    • Skotský klavírista Malcolm Martineau patří k vůbec nejoceňovanějším hudebním partnerům světových pěvců. The Scottish pianist Malcolm Martineau is one of the most appreciated musical partners of the world's singers.

  • Recital with Paula Murrihy

    Wigmore Hall
    May 2024
    • The pleasure was doubled in the consummate partnership of an unsurpassed pianist for singers, Malcolm Martineau, who seemed to take great delight in his mezzo’s infinite variety and even sat on the piano stool, rapt, to listen to her poised delivery of a traditional Donegal song in Irish as unaccompanied encore.

  • Recital with Günther Groissböck

    La Monnaie, Brussels
    Nov 2023
    • Malcolm Martineau accompagnait déjà ce programme façonné durant l’été 2022, d’abord enregistré dans la Mozart-Saal de Salzbourg. Accompagnant la voix, le toucher du pianiste vient compléter de tempérance la force de la basse. Grand habitué des accompagnements de Lieder, le pianiste écossais propose une lecture des poèmes avec une luminosité et une versatilité acolyte. Complice, il marque les opus d’une touche très légère, apportant une teinte résolument lumineuse à la lecture du chanteur. Malcolm Martineau already accompanied this program created during the summer of 2022, first recorded in the Mozart-Saal in Salzburg. Accompanying the voice, the pianist's touch complements the strength of the bass with temperance. A great veteran of Lieder accompaniments, the Scottish pianist offers a reading of poems with acolytic luminosity and versatility. An accomplice, he marks the opuses with a very light touch, bringing a resolutely luminous tone to the singer's reading.

  • Recital with Fatma Said

    Taggenbrunner Festspiele
    Aug 2023
    • Ihr zur Seite ein Profi von einem Sängerbegleiter, der Pianist Malcolm Martineau, der sich als feinsinniger und aufmerksamer Partner erwies. Er formte die Musik am Klavier plastisch und mit vielfältiger Anschlagskultur aus. Jubel! At her side was a professional singer accompanist, the pianist Malcolm Martineau, who proved to be a sensitive and attentive partner. He shaped the music on the piano vividly and with a diverse touch culture. Cheers!

      • Helmut Christian, Keine Zeitung
      • 02 September 2023
  • Recital with Ilker Arcayürek

    Edinburgh International Festival
    Aug 2023
    • Throughout, Malcolm Martineau’s piano part was an equal player in the musical texture, adding ballast and delicacy wherever needed. In fact, Martineau...was probably the star in the final Schubert selection...Announcing their encore, Martineau pointed to his singer and said “Aren’t we lucky?” Yes, but we were luckier still to have Martineau.

  • Schwanengesang with Konstantin Krimmel

    Bayerische Staatsoper
    Jul 2023
    • Sehr getragen das Ständchen, zurückgefahren im Stimmvolumen, um die Atmosphäre „in des Mondes Licht“ nicht zu übertönen; stilgerecht imitierte Martineau am Flügel den Klang einer konzertierenden Mandoline. Pointiert, fast militärisch dann der Abschied von Stadt und Mägdelein; allargando, schon sezierend die Worte zur Sehnsucht In der Ferne, wie aus Felsen gemeißelt der Schmerz in Aufenthalt. Eine markante Einleitung von Martineau zu Kriegers Ahnung, aufflammende Sehnsucht und ein mildes, geradezu absterbendes „Gute Nacht“ im Gedanken an die Herzliebste...die beiden Künstler [stellten] Johann Gabriel Seidls Taubenpost in eine eigene mittlere Gruppe. Das Liebchen als Augenstern, Wandern in Hain und Heimat: Krimmel faszinierte auch hier mit geheimnisvoll süßem Ausdruck oder vor Aufregung vibrierender Stimme, mit Malcolm Martineau als wachem, durchaus tonmalendem Begleiter. The serenade is very solemn, with the vocal volume reduced so as not to drown out the atmosphere “in the light of the moon”; Martineau stylishly imitated the sound of a concerto mandolin on the grand piano. The farewell to the city and the girl is pointed, almost military; allargando, already dissecting the words of longing In the distance, as if carved from rock, the pain in residence. A striking introduction by Martineau to Krieger's premonition, flaring longing and a mild, almost dying “Goodnight” in the thought of the sweetheart...the two artists placed Johann Gabriel Seidl's Taubenpost in its own middle group. The sweetheart as the star of the eyes, wandering in the grove and home: Krimmel also fascinated here with a mysteriously sweet expression or a voice vibrating with excitement, with Malcolm Martineau as an alert, thoroughly tone-painting companion

  • Schwanengesang with Konstantin Krimmel

    Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet
    Jul 2023
    • Le jeu du pianiste est haletant, comme suspendu et pourtant ne manque pas de souffle ni de phrasés déployés. Ces choix se complémentent entièrement avec l'interprétation du chanteur et les éléments sur lesquels le pianiste insiste, certes jusqu'à l'exagération, sont autant de preuves supplémentaires de sa grande connaissance des morceaux : lorsqu'il marque et martèle une note c'est celle dont Schubert fait un glas ou un pivot, s'il joue les petits ornements de la Sérénade comme un claveciniste c'est qu'ils expriment la légèreté amoureuse d'antan... The pianist's playing is breathless, as if suspended and yet does not lack breath or deployed phrasing. These choices complement each other entirely with the singer's interpretation and the elements on which the pianist insists, certainly to the point of exaggeration, are additional proof of his great knowledge of the pieces: when he marks and hammers a note it is the one of which Schubert makes a toll or a pivot, if he plays the little ornaments of the Serenade like a harpsichordist it is because they express the loving lightness of yesteryear...

Nicht Wiedersehen! cover

Nicht Wiedersehen!

Featuring: Günther Groissböck, Malcolm Martineau


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