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For availability and general enquiries:

Alice Stacpoole

Alice Stacpoole

Assistant Artist Manager


Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt

About Elsa

“You often set limits for yourself before they exist,” says Elsa Dreisig. This is certainly not true for the French-Danish native, who is rapidly establishing herself as one of today’s most captivating lyric sopranos. Since joining the studio of the Berlin State Opera in 2015 and going on to become an ensemble member, she has made role debuts at leading houses across Europe, from Zurich to London. As an exclusive recording artist with the label Erato, Elsa in January 2022 released her third album, Mozart x 3, featuring arias from Mozart’s three Da Ponte operas and three opere serie.

Elsa’s interpretations stand out through her commitment to continually uncovering new facets in a role. That also means transcending historic constructs so that the performance comes to life in a believable way. For the soprano, no female personality – whether Manon, Violetta or Fiordiligi – should ever be a victim. “It’s the modern blood that flows in my veins and should also flow into my singing,” she explains.

And yet the ultimate goal is to “make the score heard: with a solid technique – that goes without saying – but also a body that can recreate the character in the flesh.” She likens the psychological knowledge required to a kind of inner nourishment that feeds her musical delivery. Upon debuting in the title role in Donizetti’s Anna Bolena at the Grand Théâtre de Genève in 2021, Elsa above all focused on the queen’s emotional state and tried to relate to her on a personal level.

Elsa thrives on participating in what she identifies as exceptional events – even if they involve some risk. In 2017, she jumped in at a day’s notice to sing Haydn’s Creation with the Berlin Philharmonic under Sir Simon Rattle. This season, after giving concerts with two different orchestras in Copenhagen, the Berlin State Opera called on her to appear as Pamina just a few hours later. “I hope to never rest on my laurels,” she says, “and continue to explore.”

Elsa is based in Paris

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Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt

Season Highlights

Sep 2024 - Nov 2024
Weiner Staatsoper, Vienna
Carmen (Michaela)
Oct 2024 - Nov 2024
Theater an der Wien, Vienna
Paradies und die Peri (Peri)
Dec 2024
Theatre de Champs-Elysees, Paris - Teatro Real, Madrid - Theater an der Wien, Vienna
Alcina (Alcina) with Il Pomo d'Oro


Selected Repertoire

BelliniI Capuleti e i Montecchi (Giulietta)
BergWozzeck (Marie)   •   Lulu (Lulu)
BizetCarmen (Micaëla)
CharpentierLouise (Louise)
DebussyPelléas et Mélisande (Mélisande)
DonizettiAnna Bolena (Anna Bolena)   •   Roberto Devereaux (Elisabetta)   •   Maria Stuarda (Elisabetta)
DvořákRusalka (Rusalka)
GounodRomeo et Juliette (Juliette)   •   Faust (Marguerite)
HandelAlcina (Alcina)
J. StraussDie Fledermaus (Rosalinde)
MassenetManon (Manon)   •   Thaïs (Thaïs)
MozartDon Giovanni (Donna Elvira)   •   Cosi fan tutte (Fiordiligi)   •   Idomeneo (Elettra)   •   Mitridate (Sifare)   •   Le nozze di Figaro (Contessa)   •   Die Zauberflote (Pamina),
PoulencDialogues of the Carmelites (Blanche de la Force)
PucciniLa Boheme (Mimi)   •   Gianni Schicchi (Lauretta)
R. StraussCapriccio (Countess Madeleine)   •   Salome (Salome)   •   Arabella (Arabella)
VerdiLa Traviata (Violetta)   •   Otello (Desdemona)   •   Simon Boccanegra (Amelia)   •   Falstaff (Alice Ford)



  • Le nozze di Figaro (Contessa Almaviva)

    Bayerische Staatsoper
    Oct 2023
    • Elsa Dreisig ist derzeit eine breit gefeierte Contessa Almaviva. Mit ihrer eleganten Erscheinung und ruhigen Haltung ist sie ein passender Gegensatz zum lebhaften Gatten. Ihre Stimme unterstreicht mit einer feinsinnigen, klar intonierten und ruhig geführten Melodien die Qualität und technische Sicherheit. Vollmundig artikuliert sie die Vokale und versteht Gefühle zu unterlegen. [TRANSLATED] Elsa Dreisig is currently a widely celebrated Contessa Almaviva. With her elegant appearance and calm demeanor, she is a fitting contrast to her lively husband. Her voice underlines the quality and technical security with a subtle, clearly intonated and calmly led melody. She articulates the vowels full-bodied and understands how to convey feelings.

    • Elsa Dreisig è la contessa Almaviva. Esprime disperazione, rabbia, tenerezza con una voce limpida e fresca e un portamento nobile. [TRANSLATED] Elsa Dreisig is Countess Almaviva. She expresses despair, anger and tenderness with a clear, fresh voice and noble bearing.

    • Elsa Dreißig ist wieder mal die stöckelschuhstaksige Gräfin zwischen Depression und Eherettungsangriff. Vor allem ihre zweite Arie singt sie mit herrlichen Bögen und verletzlicher Delikatesse. [TRANSLATED] Elsa Dreisig is once again the high-heeled countess between depression and an attempt to save her marriage. She sings her second aria in particular with wonderful arches and vulnerable delicacy.

      • Welt
      • 07 November 2023
    • Die Gräfin wird dargestellt von Elsa Dreisig, die neu im Ensemble der Bayerischen Staatsoper ist. Wie schwerelos schwebt ihre Stimme durch den Raum und verleiht der Partie auch da überzeugende Emotion, wo die Personenregie an ihre Grenzen kommt. [TRANSLATED] The Countess is played by Elsa Dreisig, who is new to the Bavarian State Opera ensemble. Her voice floats weightlessly through the space and lends the role convincing emotion even where the direction of the characters reaches its limits.

    • Berückend die Contessa di Almaviva der Elsa Dreisig. Man versteht nicht, wie der Graf eine so schöne, so meisterhaft und nuanciert singende Frau (und wenn er auch aus der Rolle fiele) links liegen lässt. Die Staatsoper kann sich glücklich schätzen, so eine Ausnahmesängerin zum Ensemble zählen zu dürfen. Leider nur für ein Jahr. [TRANSLATED] The Contessa di Almaviva by Elsa Dreisig is enchanting. One cannot understand how the Count would ignore a woman who is so beautiful, sings so masterfully and with such nuances (even if he were out of character). The State Opera can consider itself lucky to be able to count such an exceptional singer in the ensemble. Unfortunately only for one year.\

      • Ioco
      • 16 November 2023
    • Elsa Dreisig war eine artifiziell ausgefeilte Gräfin; überzeugend bereits ihr erster Auftritt „Porgi amor” zu Beginn des zweiten Akts, vielschichtig ihre Rolle zwischen Enttäuschung und Liebesschmerz. [TRANSLATED] Elsa Dreisig was an artificially polished Countess; her first appearance "Porgi amor" at the beginning of the second act was already convincing, her role multi-layered between disappointment and the pain of love.