- String Quartet

About Chiaroscuro Quartet
Formed in 2005, Chiaroscuro Quartet performs music of the Classical and early Romantic periods on gut strings and with historical bows. The Quartet’s unique sound is highly acclaimed by audiences and critics all over Europe.
Recent releases in their growing discography include Beethoven Opp.74 and 130, Mozart ‘Prussian’ Quartets and Haydn Op.33 (1-3), with future plans featuring the second volume of Haydn Op. 33 and Beethoven Razumovsky Quartets.
Among the ensemble’s chamber music partners are Kristian Bezuidenhout, Trevor Pinnock, Jonathan Cohen, Christian Poltera and Cédric Tiberghien. The 24-25 season sees them continue their regular appearances at Wigmore Hall London, and visits to the Boulez Saal Berlin, Laeiszhalle Hamburg and Amsterdam Concertgebouw. They return to North America for a tour including Weill Hall (New York), Schubert Club (St Paul) the Philips Collection in Washington DC and Menil Collection Houston.
Recent highlights have taken the ensemble on tour to Japan and the US, and to the Konzerthaus Vienna, Edinburgh International Festival, Beethoven Haus Bonn and Salzburg Mozarteum.
Chiaroscuro Quartet are grateful to Jumpstart Jr Foundation for the kind loan of the 1570 Andrea Amati violin.
For availability and general enquiries:

Melanie Moult
For contracts, logistics and press:

Fiona Russell
General management: Askonas Holt
Partner managers:
Japan: Yuichi Murakami, Eurassic Tokyo Inc
Season Highlights
- Schubert: "Der Tod und das Madchen" IV PrestoCredit: BIS Records
- Schubert: "der Tod und das Madchen" II AndanteCredit: BIS Records
- Mozart: String Quartet in C Op.19 K 465Credit: Aparte
Sample Programmes
Chiaroscuro Quartet
Mozart String Quartet in C major, K.465 'Dissonance' Interval Schubert String Quartet in G major, D.887 OR: Purcell Fantasias: No.7 (Z. 738) No.8 (Z. 739) No.11 (Z. 742) Beethoven String Quartet in F minor, Op.95 ‘Serioso’ Interval Schubert String Quartet in D minor, D.810 'Death and the Maiden’ OR: Haydn String Quartet in D minor, Op.9, No.4 Beethoven String Quartet in F major, Op.59, No.1 'Razumovsky' Interval Schubert String Quartet D minor, D.810 'Death and the Maiden' OR: Beethoven String Quartet in E flat major, Op.127 Beethoven String Quartet in E flat major, Op.131 Haydn String Quartets: C major, Op.20, No.2 G minor, Op.20, No.3 D major, Op.20, No.4
With Kristian Bezuidenhout or Cedric Tiberghien, fortepiano
Beethoven String Quartet in F major, Op.56 'Razumovsky' Interval Mendelssohn Prelude & Fugue in E minor (1841) Selection from Lieder ohne Worte, Op. 62 Schumann Piano Quintet in E flat major, Op.44 Or: Mozart String Quartet in C major, K.465 'Dissonance' Mozart Piano Sonata Interval Haydn String Quartet in D major, Op.33, No.6 Mozart Piano Concerto No.12 in A major, K.414
With Christian Poltera
Bach Selection from Art of Fugue or PURCELL Fantasias Beethoven String Quartet in E minor, Op.59, No.2 Interval Schubert String Quintet in C major, D.956
Recording: Beethoven String Quartets Vol 3
BIS recordsOct 2023The wonderfully paced opening grows steadily in insistence, until it blossoms into melody in a totally unforced way, setting the tone for everything that follows; there seem to be no preconceptions in these performances, everything comes from the music itself.
- The Guardian
- 19 October 2023
Recording: Haydn Op.33 Vol 1
BIS RecordsMay 2023Les Chiaroscuro, dont la fraîcheur de leurs instruments sur cordes de boyau fait merveille, vont au-delà du « raisonnable » en insufflant une vie pleine de contrastes et de joies multiples à ces superbes partitions. Ils justifient ainsi l’impact produit par l’esprit de comédie qui circule notamment dans les scherzos, qui remplacent les habituels menuets, avec une spontanéité jaillissante et une efficacité virtuose.»
- Crescendo Magazine
- 06 June 2023
It’s that combination of crisp, earthy clarity and lively, virtuoso sparkle that marks these readings out – in drink terms, think tannin-rich reds against fine, biscuity champagne – along with the conversational vitality as the four of them move fluidly in and out of the spotlight, and between colours and moods, all with such an adrenalin-filled, spontaneous-feeling rhythmic impetus and swing that at times it’s a challenge to sit still as you listen.
- Gramophone
- 01 June 2023
Concert, Boston Early Music Festival
Jordan Hall, BostonMar 2023Contrasts played a major role for sure: tense and strained sound in the tempestuous Allegro of opus 13 — and other pieces as well — sounded miles away from the lush cantabile in the Adagio and the starry-eyed purity of the Intermezzo. Opposites generously enriched the narrative. This glorious music could have been played with a consistent juicy vibrato throughout and might have left some audiences content and well nourished. But having once experienced the Chiaroscuro’s drama, I would be loath to settle for usual relentlessly beautiful tones of mainstream groups.
- Boston Music Intelligencer
- 27 March 2023
Recording: Mozart Prussian Quartets
BIS RecordsNov 2022Invigorating energy and attention to articulation and phrasing that’s constantly rewarding and sometime a soaring lyricism that reminds us we are never that far from Mozart’s operas…nothing is taken for granted, everything explored as though for the first time.
- Recording of the Week, BBC Radio 3 Record Review
- 12 November 2022
What makes this release so impressive is how the Chiaroscuro Quartet’s playing operates beyond any feeling of tendentiousness in this area. They use gut strings (naturally), and deploy non vibrato as something close to a default position (naturally). Meanwhile their underlying musicianship is so superb that you find yourself absorbed in the mesmerising mastery of these works without any issues of style getting in the way
- BBC Music Magazine
- 24 January 2023
Recording: Beethoven Op.18 Vol 1
BIS RecordsOct 2021Die Perfektion des Chiaroscuro Quartetts liegt darin, alle Nuancen des Originalklangs zu nutzen und daraus die Interpretation zu formen. Alles wird anders: die Wahrnehmung der einzelnen Instrumente, die Farben der Klänge, Auftritt und Gewicht der Motive. Eine Überraschung jagt die andere. Denn Beethoven war genial. Und das Chiaroscuro-Quartett ist es auch.
- Bayerischer Rundkfunk BR-Klassik CD of the Week
- 04 October 2021
Spielfreude, ein ausbalancierter Quartettklang und dann noch dieser verblüffende Schluss nach all dem Gewusel, ein Hauch, ein Nichts – man möchte es nicht mehr anders hören. Their spirited playing, the well-balanced quartet sound, and then that baffling ending after all the turmoil - a mere wisp - makes the listener never want to hear it any other way.
- Westdeutscher Rundfunk WDR3
...the Chiaroscuro produces a sound of ravishing sonic and intonational purity...experiencing these remarkable performances is akin to hearing this groundbreaking music for the very first time.
- The Strad
- 03 January 2022
Eine mitreißende Aufnahme, die mir ihrer organischen Kraft begeistert. This is a thrilling recording, that inspires the listener with it's earthy power.
- Deutschlandfunk . Die neue Platte
- 22 March 2022
Recording: Schubert Op.14 and Op.9
BIA RecordsNov 2018...with their ‘period’ sound world allied to hungry tempos and phrasing that vaults across the bar line, Schubert’s darkest quartet seems more than ever a study in the inexorable power of rhythm. It is also, properly, a drama of uncomfortable extremes. In their dangerous night-ride of a finale, straining at the edge of the possible, the Chiaroscuro do not eschew harshness. Here and elsewhere their unvarnished sonorities (vibrato minimal or non-existent) make Schubert’s harmonic clashes all the more excruciating. After the coda’s truly frantic più mosso, the Chiaroscuro, with their bleak, blanched pianissimo, suggest traumatised exhaustion: Schubert staring into the void
- Gramophone Magazine
- 01 January 2018
This is a simply stunning performance, as remarkable for its expressive power as it is for its textural clarity. As well as mastery of period niceties (vibrato is restrained but by no means absent, and deployed with immense thoughtfulness), the group is obviously completely attuned to the Schubertian idiom – that elusive but unmistakable combination of Biedermeier charm, bittersweet Schubertian lyricism, and the visceral emotional engagement of early Romanticism that no other composer comes close to...This is playing of real distinction, combining stylishness and thrilling musicianship in measures rarely encountered.
- Europadisc
- 04 November 2018
This is a dramatic and unsettling performance, its beguiling beauties furiously dispelled.
- The Strad
- 03 December 2018
Fierce dynamics, powerful attack and articulation and superb ensemble in some extreme dramatic reaction to Schubert's writing... Uncompromising and thrilling in the way they engage in Schubert's emotional extremes... Not a comfortable ride, and neither should it be.
- BBC Radio 3 Record Review; Disc of the Week
- 17 November 2018
- Beethoven: String Quartets Opp 74 and 130
- Haydn: Op.33 Vol 1
- Mozart: Prussian Quartets
- Beethoven: String Quartets Op.18 Vol 2
- Beethoven: String Quartets Op.18 Vol 1
- Haydn: String Quartets Op.76 Vol 2
- Haydn: String Quartets Op.76 vol 1
- Schubert: String Quartets No.9 and 14
- Haydn: Sun Quartets Vol.2
- Haydn: "Sun Quartets" Op. 20 Vol 1
- Mozart and Mendelssohn
- Beethoven, Mozart String Quartets
- Mozart, Schubert