- Soprano

About Jessica
Noted for her “prodigious energy and clarity”, American soprano Jessica Niles is quickly making a name for herself internationally in the creation of new opera productions. Lauded for her unconditional powerful playing as a vocal emotional force, Niles is an alum of The Juilliard School where she trained in Anne Bogart’s method of Physical Viewpoints, a technique that acts as a medium for thinking about and acting upon movement, gesture, and creative space.
Niles’ 2024-25 season includes the title role in Partenope at Oper Frankfurt, a return to La Monnaie/ De Munt as Impazienza in I Grotteschi, a new drama based on Monteverdi’s madrigals and three surviving operas, and Sandra in Bernard Foccroulle’sCassandra, which makes its debut at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Berlin.Opening the 2023-2024 season at La Monnaie / De Munt, Niles crafted and premiered the role of Sandra under the direction of Marie-Eve Signeyrole, delivering “a remarkable performance as Sandra, a touching and courageous figure to whom the soprano brings conviction, freshness, and profundity”(ConcertoNet).
A member of the Bayerische Staatsoper Opernstudio from 2021-2023, Niles performed roles ranging from contemporary to baroque including Iris in Claus Guth’s new production of Semele where she “provided much of the show’s levity, through musical delivery and physical comedy” (New York Times), Sandrina in the new production of L’infedeltàdelusa,being hailed as the “highlight of the evening” (OperaOnline, ConcertoNet), Schwester Jasmin in the new production of Georg Friedrich Haas’Thomas, Echo Ariadne auf Naxos, Clorinda La Cenerentola, and Una Voce dal Cielo Don Carlo.
In 2023-24, Niles returned to the Staatsoper reprising Echo Ariadne auf Naxosat the 2024 Hong Kong Arts Festival, making her role debuts of Marzelline in Calixto Bieito’s production of Fidelio and Der junger HirtTannhäuser, and reprising Clorinda La Cenerentola with an all-star cast including Isabel Leonard, Lawrence Brownlee, and colleague and friend Emily Sierra. Niles also performed the role of Musetta in a new production of La Bohéme by director Juana Inés Cano Restrepo.
Niles was featured in the Internationale Händel-Festspiele 2021 reprising the sorceress Armida Rinaldo, a role which brought her much acclaim. 2021 also marked the return of international performances of Aminta e Fillide with William Christie and Les Arts Florissants, bringing her semi-staged portrayal of Aminta to the 40th annual Festival Dans les Jardins de William Christie, The Queen’s Theatre at The Royal Palace of Versailles, the Musée des Impressionnismes, Festival Castell de Peralada, and multiple venues across New York City.
In recent concert repertoire, Niles has performed and recorded CDs with the Bayerische Rundfunk (Mendelssohn’s Elias) and the MünchenerKammerorchester (chamber pieces for soprano, timpani, percussion, and string orchestra by Gloria Coates). She has performed Bach’s Matthäus-Passionand Johannes-Passion with the Armenian National Philharmonic, and recently joined the Hallé Orchestra for their Messiah.
For availability and general enquiries:

Angelica Conner

Charlotte Bateman
Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt
Season Highlights
Selected Repertoire
Fidelio (Marzelline)
Bernard Foccroulle
Cassandra (Sandra)
The Burning Fiery Furnace (The Angel)
L’elisir d’amore (Adina & Giannetta)
Thomas (Schwester Jasmin)
Rinaldo (Armida) • Semele (Iris)
Partenope (Title role)
L’infedeltà delusa (Sandrina)
Hansel und Gretel (Taumännchen)
Don Giovanni (Zerlina) • Le nozze di Figaro (Susanna)
Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Anne Reich)
Orpheus in the Underworld (Eurydice)
La bohème (Musetta)
Dido and Aeneas (Belinda)
Hippolyte et Aricie (Une Matelote)
La Cenerentola (Clorinda)
Ariadne auf Naxos (Echo)
Don Carlo (Una voce dal cielo)
Partenope (Title Role)
FrankfurtNov 2024Jessica Niles keeps the ball melancholically low as the title heroine, Partenope never loses sight of the state's interests. Niles' golden, rich soprano can erupt and cascade, but mostly she is the calm pole around which the suitors lurk. The dark timbre of her voice is all the more striking because she is the only soprano far and wide.
- Frankfurter Rundschau
- 12 November 2024
First of all, there is Jessica Niles in the title role. In the foreword to the in-house opera magazine, artistic director Bernd Loebe describes the young singer as the "Brenda of the future". He is taking his cue from Brenda Rae, who launched an international career from the ensemble and can currently be seen again as Lulu in the main house. The parallel is intended to express that Jessica Niles also has a fresh, clear soprano voice with astonishing technique and, in particular, flawless coloratura fluency. But if one is to draw comparisons, then one must acknowledge that the young singer's tone is rounder, her timbre is warmer, and her middle to low range has more power and volume than is the case with Brenda Rae. There is no need to describe her as "someone of the future", because her voice, her creative ability and her stage presence show that she is the "Jessica Niles of the present", an artistic personality who, with engagements at the State Operas in Munich and Berlin, the Salzburg Festival and a busy concert schedule with renowned conductors, can no longer be described as an "insider tip". But since contracts in the opera business are signed well in advance, the Frankfurt Opera can be congratulated on having engaged this fabulous singer in time before the steep career that has already begun makes her fee unaffordable.
- Der Opernfreund
- 23 November 2024
The American soprano Niles portrays the title character with nobility and vocal strength.
- 13 November 2024
Jessica Niles as Partenope, who sings incredibly casually but with majestic lyricism, faces the warrior with ready grace...
- Frankfurter Allgemeine
- 11 November 2024
Jessica Niles has the ideal voice [for the title character]; she performs coloratura arias in all their splendour and sings cadenzas magnificently.
- Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz
- 12 November 2024
Foccroulle's Cassandra (Sandra)
La Monnaie / De MuntSep 2023 - Sep 2023Jessica Niles délivre une remarquable prestation en Sandra, figure touchante et courageuse à laquelle la soprano apporte conviction, fraîcheur et profondeur. Jessica Niles delivers a remarkable performance as Sandra, a touching and courageous figure to whom the soprano brings conviction, freshness and depth.
- Sébastien Foucart,
- 10 September 2023
Jessica Niles est une Sandra convaincante dans son engagement et ses questionnements existentiels. La soprano américaine passe facilement du registre léger au dramatique, aux prises avec des lignes vocales exigeantes. En tant que comédienne de stand-up, elle est pleine de brio et engage le public alternant discours scientifique, humour et démonstrations pratiques. Jessica Niles is a convincing Sandra in her commitment and her existential questions. The American soprano moves easily from light to dramatic register, struggling with demanding vocal lines. As a stand-up comedian, she is full of brilliance and engages the audience by alternating scientific discourse, humour and practical demonstrations.
- Cinzia Rota, Classicagenda
- 10 September 2023
Jessica Niles’ energy and vocal punch bring the galvanising power that might just get this narrative moving.
- Eleanor Knight, bachtrack
- 11 September 2023
Sandra, American soprano Jessica Niles, bubbled, shone, sang as if she was on a mission and delivered a hugely convincing performance.
- Gerald Malone, Reaction
- 06 October 2023
Semele (Iris)
Bayerische StaatsoperJul 2023 - Jul 2023Jessica Niles gives herself to Iris as a slapstick comedy master. Dramaturgically, her role is superfluous, but without her, the evening would only be half as fun.
A shining star, both vocally and in terms of acting. A clear, luminous soprano. And she's got the comedic chops…In 'Iris, impatient of thy stay' Jessica Niles and Juno aka Emily D'Angelo deliver one of the two loveliest and in this case wonderfully extended duets of the evening at the beginning of Act Two.
- Frank Heublein, Klassik begeistert
- 16 July 2023
the sprightly soprano Jessica Niles as Iris…provided much of the show’s levity, through musical delivery and physical comedy.
- Joshua Barone, The New York Times
- 16 July 2023
Haydn’s L’infedeltà delusa (Sandrina)
Bayerische StaatsoperSep 2022 - Sep 2022Their vocal power reserves are remarkable. Especially in the moments of full physical commitment. Passion flows from all vocal and acting pores. Soprano Jessica Niles sings Sandrina like an energetic volcano. Clear, transparent, spirited, yet accurate and controlled, for example, in challenging octave jumps…Personally, I am particularly subject to the vocal emotional force and the unconditional powerful play of Jessica Niles. Full commitment! In me you won a fan Ms. Niles.
- Klassik begeistert
The central trio of women…are of very good quality: hats off to Jessica Niles in particular, whose rather dramatic air in the second act is perhaps the highlight of this evening.
- ConcertoNet
The colorfulness and emotional expression of Jessica Niles’ soprano become the highlights of the evening in Sandrina's arias.
- OperaOnline
Above all, Jessica Niles is to be named Sandrina as a marriage victim, a grandiose young voice with enormous potential.
- KlassikInfo