- Conductor
About Marta
Music Director: Opera National de Lorraine
Marta Gardolińska is currently Music Director of Opera national de Lorraine.
Marta came to international attention in 2018 as Young Conductor in Association at the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra where she conducted two highly successful subscription weeks. This led to a Dudamel Fellowship with the Los Angeles Philharmonic which included an invitation to be second conductor to Gustavo Dudamel for their Grammy award-winning live Deutsche Grammophon recording of Ives' Symphony No.4. Marta then returned to Los Angeles to make her debut with the Orchestra at the Hollywood Bowl followed by an immediate re-invitation.
She has since worked with orchestras including the London Symphony Orchestra, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonia Varsovia, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse, and Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra.
This season sees Marta make her debuts with the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Toronto Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, Stavanger Symphony, RAI Torino Orchestra and Hallé Orchestra. Marta will also make her debut at the Dresden Semperoper conducting La traviata and see her conduct Eugene Onegin at the Opéra National de Lorraine.
Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt
Season Highlights
Beethoven Symphony No 4 Orquestra Sinfonica de Barcelona
L'Auditori BarcelonaNov 2023 - Nov 2023"Gardolińska mostró su vitalidad desde la tarima, con rápidos y elegantes gestos que la los del atril parecían seguir con gusto." "Gardolińska showed her vitality from the stage, with quick and elegant gestures that those at the lectern seemed to follow with gusto."
- Platea Magazine
- 13 November 2023
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Hollywood BowlSep 2022Beethoven’s Seventh after intermission had arresting power. Gardolinska got the strings to dig in as though they were preparing for a hurricane. They had to; Gardolinska’s rhythmic impetus proved ferocious. Yet through it all, she gave definition to inner and outer lines while remaining in the thrall of Beethovenian magnificence around every corner.
- LA Times
- 11 September 2023
Paderewski Manru
Opera National de LorraineMay 2023L'Orchestre et le Chœur de l’Opéra national de Lorraine sont placés sous la direction véhémente et précise de Marta Gardolińska. Déjà remarquée dans Der Traumgörge de Zemlinsky et Carmen à Strasbourg, la directrice musicale livre du chef d'œuvre de Paderewski une lecture puissamment engagée, capable d'en rehausser par la seule force de la musique The Opéra national de Lorraine Orchestra and Chorus are under the vehement and precise direction of Marta Gardolińska. Having already made a name for herself in Zemlinsky's Der Traumgörge and Carmen in Strasbourg, the musical director delivers a powerfully committed reading of Paderewski's masterpiece, capable of heightening its impact through the sheer force of the music.
- Diapason Magazine
- 15 May 2023
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Poole LighthouseMar 2022On this showing she is very much an artist to be reckoned with. Both were superbly done. Gardolińska’s understanding of the balance between grace and energy in Schubert’s Third was wonderfully acute, as she propelled the first movement, with its gleeful clarinet solos, excitedly forward and brought out the nostalgic undertow of the slow Allegretto and the elan of the scherzo-cum-waltz. The tarantella finale, with its whirling, almost obsessive rhythmic figurations, was thrilling in its precision, really sweeping you away. That same exactitude and exhilaration characterised Shostakovich’s Ninth. Gardolińska’s interpretation emphasised its lurching contrasts and disarming ambiguities of mood.
- Guardian
- 04 March 2022
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Poole LighthouseMar 2022Gardolinska bought an invigorating light touch to Schubert's symphony and an exact sense of tempo proportions, finding precisely the contrasting tempo for the swaying, bucolic middle section of the hearty third movement
- Telegraph
- 04 May 2022
London Symphony Orchestra
Brighton FestivalMay 2023While heavy brass and percussion stood ready-armed as the aggressor, Gardolińska focused on the sound and presence of her strings – surely Tchaikovsky’s own voice in this drama. Gardolińska’s profoundly unsettling first movement and her disconsolate second were both applauded. The symphony conclusion was noisily greeted. The audience had seen a conductor new to them in action with an economy of flowing gesture
- Sussex Express
- 23 May 2023
Zemlinsky Der Traumgorge
Opera national de LorraineSep 2020Le chef, c'est aussi I'atout maître à Nancy : la Polonaise Marta Gardolinska est une révélation, tant par son bras souple et sûr que parson don pour marier voix et instruments, avec un sens inné des couleurs sonores. The conductor is the master in Nancy: the Polish Marta Gardolinska is a revelation, as much by her flexible and sure arm as by her gift for marrying voice and instruments, with an innate sense of sound colours.
- Le Figaro
- 05 October 2020
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
City Halls, GlasgowDec 2023Gardolínska harnessed all of that impressively. This performance had mischief, pathos, melting eloquence and outright joy, and a level of precision and attack to fully sustain its enjoyment. Gardolínska again elicited an appealing response from the SSO, in the concerto’s toy box opening, its rhapsodic surges and sumptuous textures.
- VoxCarnyx
- 14 December 2023