- Accompanist

About Michał
Pianist and tutor Michał Biel graduated from the Juilliard School in New York, studying with Brian Zeger, Margo Garrett, Jonathan Feldman and J.J. Penna. He also studied with Eytan Pessen at the Opera Academy at the Grand Theatre National Opera in Warsaw, and with Andrzej Jasiński and Grzegorz Biegas at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice.
Michał has performed in some the world’s most famous concert halls such as Wigmore Hall in London, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Berlin Philharmonic, Carnegie Hall and Alice Tully Hall in New York, as well as recitals on the stages of the most prestigious opera theatres including Oper Frankfurt, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Opéra National du Rhin, Opéra National de Bordeaux, Opera de Lille, El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia and the Grand Theatre - National Opera in Warsaw.
Michał has had success with his accompaniment on two albums that have been released. 'Farewells', recorded with Jakub Józef Orliński in Dolby Atmos technology, was nominated for the Fryderyki award in the Best Polish Album Abroad category. He also recorded the album 'Kraina' with soprano Alexandra Nowakowski, which included songs of Polish composers.
Season Highlights
Jakub Józef Orliński recital
Verbier FestivalJul 2022“Et c’est sans doute le moment de dire à quel point son partenaire musical de longue date Michal Biel est un merveilleux pianiste. S’il fait ruisseler des arpèges virtuoses d’un bout à l’autre du clavier dans la deuxième mélodie, « Na wzgórzach Gruzji – Les collines de Georgie », ce sont surtout sa douceur de toucher, ses demi-teintes, les climats qu’il suggère, sa manière de suspendre le temps dans certains préludes ou postludes, qui sont remarquables.” “[Translated] …and this is probably the time to say how wonderful a pianist [Jakub’s] long-time musical partner Michal Biel is. He makes virtuoso arpeggios flow from one end of the keyboard to the other in the second melody, “Na wzgórzach Gruzji – The hills of Georgia”. Above all, it is his softness of touch, his half-tones, the climates he suggests, his way of suspending time in certain preludes or postludes, which are remarkable.”
- Forum Opera
- 22 July 2022
Jakub Józef Orliński & Michał Biel Europe Recital Tour
Wigmore Hall, LondonMay 2022“Orlínski and his pianist, Michał Biel, have one of the most symbiotic and vibrant of stage partnerships. It was evident over six months ago; and it was amply on show at this recital. They share the same nationality, a not unimportant asset in chamber music or song recitals. But more than that, they seem able to mirror each other’s tone and inflections; there is a balance in their artistry where you aren’t overly focused on just the singer. So often in song the piano part can become obfuscated, it can escape notice. Biel’s gift is that his art is exactly that; as vivid as an impressionist painting.”
- Seen and Heard
- 07 May 2022
Recital with Jakub Józef Orliński
Theatre Des Champs-ElyseeJun 2022En cela [Air du Génie du Froid], le piano de son complice de toujours Michał Biel se révèle plus qu’à propos : ce sont les relectures intemporelles d’un Gould, à l’os, teintées d’une émotivité insaisissable, que l’on croit entendre dans l’entremêlement des voix et la finesse des traits, au diapason d’un chant qui ne craint jamais la démesure. [TRANSLATION] “In this piece [Air du Génie du Froid], the piano of his long-time accomplice Michał Biel is more than appropriate: it is the timeless reinterpretations of a Gould, with bone, tinged with an elusive emotionality, which we think we hear in the intermingling of voices and the finesse of the lines, in tune with a song that never fears excess.”
- Backtrach
- 01 June 2022
Recital with Jakub Józef Orliński
Berlin PhilharmonikerJun 2022The evening left the impression of perfection thanks to the art of the singer, as well as to his partner and compatriot Michal Biel. This highly motivated accompanist is a piano poet who has endless colours and nuances.
- Tagesspiegel
- 08 June 2022
Jakub Józef Orliński Recital
Wigmore HallOct 2021It was never a question of just the voice, however. Michal Biel’s sensitive, ochre-tinged playing was like a beautifully varnished oak against the purity of the text… Orliński probably wouldn’t have been able to walk the tightrope as skilfully as he did without the not inconsiderable playing of Michal Biel who provided both a degree of weight and momentum… Never once did you come away from hearing Orliński singing these Polish songs, or Biel masterfully playing them, and feel that either of them was entirely lacking control of their composer’s scoring or their own interpretations of them. They were absolutely inside this music. A forthcoming recording (I believe in January 2022) can’t come soon enough… There is, too, a very clear and obvious symbiosis between singer and pianist. As this recital showed, Orliński and Biel make vibrant and exciting music, but they make great art from it, too
- Opera Today
- 10 October 2024