Sean MichaelPlumb

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Nicholas Moloney

Nicholas Moloney

Senior Artist Manager


European Management with Askonas Holt
General Management with Étude Arts

About Sean Michael

Hailed for his “full, exciting lyric baritone” (Opera News) and “elegant lyricism and responsive musicality” (New York Times), in the 24/25 season, Sean looks forward to returning to the Bayersiche Staastoper to perform Frank/Fritz in Die Tote Stadt. He will also return to the Metropolitan Opera to perform the role of Papageno in Mozart’s The Magic Flute and Schaunard in La boheme. In concert, Sean will perform Schönberg’s Die Jakobsleiter in a performance at the Elbphilharmonie conducted by Ingo Metzmacher.

Last season included Figaro Il barbiere di Siviglia at the Bayersiche Staastoper and Seattle Opera, Schaunard La bohème the Metropolitan Opera, Harlekin Ariadne auf Naxos at the Hong Kong Arts Festival and Younger Galileo/Salviati in Galileo Galilei at the Opera Theatre St. Louis. Sean also performed Carmina Burana with the Philadelphia Orchestra, and appeared in the Richard Tucker Gala at Carnegie Hall.

Career highlights include a host of international appearances including Albert Werther at the Houston Grand Opera, Harlekin Ariadne auf Naxos at the Metropolitan Opera, Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen with the Ballet de l’Opéra national de Paris and frequent appearances at the Bayerische Staatsoper in roles such as Guglielmo Così fan tutte, Papageno Die Zauberflöte, Dandini La cenerentola, Schaunard La bohème, and Prosdocimo Il turco in Italia. Sean has appeared with several top orchestras such as the LA Philharmonic, The Cleveland Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

Winner of a 2022 Career Grant from the Richard Tucker Music Foundation, Sean Michael Plumb was honoured by President Obama as a United States Presidential Scholar in the Arts at a ceremony at The White House and he has garnered a multitude of awards. He was graduated from the Curtis Institute of Music where he studied under renowned instructors Mikael Eliasen and William Stone.

Sean Michael is based in Munich, Germany

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European Management with Askonas Holt
General Management with Étude Arts

Season Highlights

Sep 2024 - Oct 2024
Bayerische Staatsoper
Die Tote Stadt (Frank/Fritz)
Nov 2024
Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg
Die Jakobslaiter (Concert)
Dec 2024
Metropolitan Opera, New York
Die Zauberflöte (Papageno)

Selected Repertoire

AdamsNixon in China (Chou-En Lai)
BerliozBéatrice et Bénédict (Claudio)
BernsteinCandide (Maximilian)   •   West Side Story (Riff)
BizetLes Pêcheurs de perles (Zurga)
BrittenAlbert Herring (Sid)   •   Billy Budd (Billy Budd)   •   A Midsummer Night's Dream (Demetrius)   •   Owen Wingrave (Owen Wingrave)   •   Peter Grimes (Ned Keene)
DebussyPelléas et Mélisande (Pelléas)
DonizettiDon Pasquale (Malatesta)   •   L’elisir d’amore (Belcore)
GluckIphigénie en Tauride (Oreste)
GounodFaust (Valentin)   •   Roméo et Juliette (Mercutio)
HeggieThe End of the Affair (Maurice Bendrix)   •   It’s a Wonderful Life (Harry Bailey)
KorngoldDie tote Stadt (Frank-Fritz)
MassenetManon (Lescaut)   •   Thaı̈s (Athanaël)   •   Werther (Albert)
MazzoliBreaking the Waves (Jan)
MozartCosı̀ fan tutte (Guglielmo)   •   Le nozze di Figaro (Conte Almaviva)   •   Die Zauberflöte (Papageno)
MussorgskyBoris Godunov (Andrey Shchelkalov)
PickerAn American Tragedy (Clyde Griffiths)
PoulencLes mamelles de Tirésias (Theatre Director)
PucciniLa bohème (Marcello / Schaunard)   •   Manon Lescaut (Lescaut)
PurcellDido and Aeneas (Aeneas)
RavelL’heure espagnole (Ramiro)
RossiniIl barbiere di Siviglia (Figaro)   •   La cenerentola (Dandini)   •   Le comte Ory (Raimbaud)   •    L’italiana in Algeri (Taddeo)   •    Il turco in Italia (Prosdocimo)
SpearsFellow Travelers (Hawkins Fuller)
Strauss, J.Die Fledermaus (Frank)
Strauss, R.Ariadne auf Naxos (Harlekin)   •   Capriccio (Olivier)
SzymanowskiKing Roger (King Roger)
TchaikovskyEugene Onegin (Onegin)   •   The Queen of Spades (Yeletsky), Iolanta (Robert)
TesoriGrounded (Sensor)
UllmannDer Kaiser von Atlantis (Emperor Überall)
VerdiDon Carlos (Rodrigue)
WagnerTristan und Isolde (Melot)



  • Die Tote Stadt (Frank and Fritz)

    Bayerische Staatsoper
    Oct 2024
    • Das war eine ganz große Leistung! Nicht minder zu begeistern wusste der Bariton Sean Michael Plumb, der den Frank und den Pierrot Friz mit ebenfalls phantastischer italienischer Gesangstechnik und sonorem hellem Timbre wunderbar auf Linie und ungemein ausdrucksstark sang. Sein sehr inbrünstig dargebotenes Lied Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen, geriet zum Höhepunkt des Abends!

    • Sean Michael Plumb gab den Frank und Fritz mit einem klangschönen Bariton, sodass das Lied des Pierrot ebenfalls zu einem kleinen Höhepunkt wurde.

    • Notevole anche Sean Michael Plumb nel ruolo di Frank/Fritz e la sua interpretazione del lied di Pierrot “Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen”, nostalgica al punto giusto.

    • Sean Michael Plumb präsentiert auch in der Doppelrolle Frank/ Fritz seinen kräftigen Bariton in dunkler Färbung, den er facettenreich einsetzt. Seine bekannte Arie "Mein Sehnen mein Wähnen" gelingt ihm mit Gefühl und guter Intonation.