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Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt

About Simone

Swiss-Canadian mezzo-soprano, Simone McIntosh is a graduate of the Adler Fellowship Program with San Francisco Opera (SFO), Opernhaus Zürich, and the Canadian Opera Company’s Ensemble Studio. McIntosh recently became the First Prize Laureate for the Concours Musical International de Montréal - Aria Division, Second Prize winner and Best Mezzo-soprano of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and the 2022 recipient for the Igor Gorin Memorial Award. She was also a finalist (Song Prize) at the 2023 Cardiff Singer of the World Competition.

Simone is based in Paris

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Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt

Season Highlights

May 2023 - Jun 2024
Opernhaus Zurich
Monteverdi L'Orfeo (Speranza/Prosperina) Ottavio Dantone (conductor)
Sep 2024 - Oct 2024
San Francisco Opera
Ruders The Handmaid's Tale (Offred Double) Karen Kamensek (conductor)
Jan 2025 - Mar 2025
Bellini I Capuleti ed I Montecchi (Romeo) Masaru Kumakura (conductor)

Selected Repertoire

AdamoLittle Women (Meg)
Bartók Bluebeard’s Castle (Judit)
Bates The (Re)evolution of Steve Jobs (Laurene)
Berlioz Béatrice et Bénédict (Béatrice)
Bernstein Candide (Paquette)
Bizet Carmen (Mercédès)
Ching Speed Dating Tonight! (Waitress)
Donizetti L’elisir d’amore (Giannetta)   •   Roberto Devereux (Sara)
Dvořák Rusalka (2nd Wood Sprite/Kitchen Boy)
Gounod Roméo et Juliette (Stéphano)
HandelAlcina (Ruggiero)   •   Rodelinda (Bertarido)   •   Serse (Arsamene)
Humperdinck Hansel and Gretel (Hansel)
Janáček The Cunning Little Vixen (The Fox)
Mozart Così fan tutte (Dorabella)   •   Il rè pastore (Tamiri)   •   Le nozze di Figaro (Cherubino/Barbarina)
Offenbach Les contes d’Hoffmann (Giulietta)
Puccini Gianni Schicchi (La Ciesca)
Purcell Dido and Aeneas (2nd Witch/2nd Lady)
Rolfe Crush (Donna)
Rossini La Cenerentola (Angelina)   •   Il barbiere di Siviglia (Rosina)   •   Maometto II (Anna)
Ruders The Handmaid’s Tale (Ofred Double/New Ofglen)
Strauss Die Fledermaus (Prince Orlofsky)
Verdi La traviata (Flora)
WagnerDie Walküre (Siegrune)



  • The Handmaid's Tale (Offred Double)

    San Francisco Opera
    Sep 2024 - Oct 2024
    • Pre-Gilead Offred is played with a compelling naïveté by Simone McIntosh.

    • Roberts’s counterpart is the wonderful mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh, who as the younger Offred moves with the freedom of a 21st-century American woman. The two singers look and sound enough alike to be wholly convincing as the same person. Deep in the second act, they sing a duet of guilt, anger, reminiscence, and longing, wondering where their daughter is, whether she’s alive, what could have been different.

    • As her younger self in flashbacks, mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh looked and sounded enough like Roberts to be believable, although more animated than the worn-down Offred. Their voices paired nicely in a touching duet late in the second act when Offred finally realizes she must confront who she was before Gilead.

    • Roberts’ counterpart is the wonderful mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh, who as the younger Offred moves with the freedom of a 21st century American woman. The two singers look and sound enough alike to be wholly convincing as the same person. Deep in the second act, they sing a duet of guilt, anger, reminiscence and longing, wondering where their daughter is, whether she’s alive, what could have been different.

    • The younger Offred, mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh, was a good match for her both physically and in voice.

    • Adler Fellows (2019-21) Simone McIntosh and Christopher Oglesby made a handsome couple in “the time before” as Offred Double and her husband, Luke. McIntosh was particularly heart-wrenching in the duet, as mentioned earlier, with Offred in Act II.

    • Auch Simone McIntosh als Offreds Double aus der Vor-Diktatur-Zeit stand Frau Roberts um nichts nach, das Duett zwischen der alten und jungen Protagonistin wirkte wie eine gesangliches Olympiafinale auf Augenhöhe!

    • An especially beautiful duet between Offred (Roberts and mezzo Simone McIntosh, the pre-revolution Offred) plaintively wonders about Offred’s pre-revolution daughter.

    • In several scenes Roberts is matched beautifully by mezzo-soprano and former Adler Fellow Simone McIntosh, who performs Offred’s pre-revolution self. In one of the work’s most successful unfoldings of vocal magic, the two women—the before and after Offreds—share a powerful duet, exchanging past and future dreams.

    • Por su parte, el personaje de la joven y libre Offred fue interpretado por la mezzosoprano Simone McIntosh, de características vocales y apariencia similares a las de Roberts, pero con un canto más dulce, apacible y melodioso; sin dejar de destacar el encuentro entre ambas Offred en el segundo acto, donde cantan un conmovedor dueto en el que expresan sentimientos de rabia, evocación y añoranza, preguntándose dónde se encontrará su hija.