- Tenor

About Dmytro
Ukranian tenor Dmytro Popov began his career as a soloist with the Kiev National Theatre. He came to international attention in 2013 when he performed the role of Rodolfo (La bohème) at The Royal Opera House. He became the youngest ever opera artist to be granted the title of Honoured Artist of Ukraine (2003) which recognises outstanding contribution to performing arts. In 2007, he won the prestigious Placido Domingo Operalia Competition.
Dmytro has performed multiple roles across the world at significant opera houses with highlights including; Rodolfo (La bohème) at The Metropolitan Opera, Don José (Carmen) at Teatro Regio di Torino, Pinkerton (Madama Butterfly), Cavaradossi (Tosca) and Rodolfo (Luisa Miller) with Deutsche Oper Berlin, Vodemont (Iolanta) with Teatro Real Madrid, Macduff (Macbeth) with Opéra National de Lyon, Andrej (Mazeppa) with Opéra de Monte-Carlo and Un Ballo in maschera at Theatre du Capitole de Toulouse and at the Bolshoi. Other operatic appearances include Tosca at Oper Stuttgart and Dresden Semperoper, La traviata at Wiener Staatsoper and La bohème at Bayerische Staatsoper.
Concert appearances have included Dvořák’s Stabat Mater with the Boston Symphony Orchestra under Andris Nelsons, Verdi's Requiem at the BBC Proms with the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Andrés Orozco-Estrada, and with Vladimir Jurowski at the Royal Festival Hall.
Dmytro has recently released his highly acclaimed debut solo record Hymns of Love with Orchid Classics, recorded with the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin.
2024/25 season highlights include Carmen at the Teatro di San Carlo, a return to the Metropolitan Opera for their revival of La boheme, Iolanta at the Wiener Staatsoper, and Rusalka with Den Norske Opera. On the concert platform, he will feature as Tenor Soloist in The Bells with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and in a concert performance of Francesca da Rimini with the Berlin Philharmoniker.
Season Highlights
- Playing
Dmytro Popov sings 'Ingemisco' from Verdi's Requiem
Teodor Currentzis (Conductor) Credit: Mezzo
Dmytro Popov sings 'Vidino divná, přesladká...' from Rusalka
Bayerische Staatsoper Credit: Aleksandrs Dolchev
Dmytro Popov sings 'Lève-toi soleil' from Gounoud's Roméo et Juliett
Klassik unter Sternen, Gottweig Abbey Credit: Klassik unter Sternen
Dmytro Popov performs ‘O soave fanciulla’ from La Boheme at Metropolitan Opera
Featuring Ailyn Pérez as Mimì. Production: Franco Zeffirelli. Conductor: Carlo Rizzi. The Metropolitan Opera. Credit: Metropolitan Opera
Dmytro Popov sings 'La fleur que tu m'avais jetée' from Carmen
Verbier Festival Credit: Medici TV
- Dmytro Popov sings Gastaldon's 'Musica proibita'
- Dmytro Popov sings 'Lève-toi soleil' from Gounoud's Roméo et Juliette
Selected Repertoire
Norma (Pollione)
Carmen (Don Jose)
Il Principe Igor (Vladimir)
Rusalka (Prince)
The Life for the Tsar (Sobinin)
Katya Kabanova (Boris)
Thais (Nicias) • Dialogues de Carmelites (Chevalier)
Boris Godunov
La Gioconda (Enzo)
War and Peace (Kuragin)
Madama Butterfly (Pinkerton) • Tosca (Cavaradossi) • Manon Lescaut (Des Grieux) • La Boheme (Rodolfo) • La rondine
Francesca da Rimini (Paolo)
Tsar's Bride (Lykov)
Mavra (Mavra-Gusar)
Eugene Onegin (Lensky) • Iolanta (Vaudemont) • The Enchantress • Mazeppa (Andrej)
La Traviata (Alfredo) • Simon Boccanegra (Adorno) • Un ballo in maschera (Riccardo) • Rigoletto (Duca di Mantova) • Luisa Miller (Rodolfo)
Thurn und Taxis Gala Concert
Thurn und Taxis Palace, Regensburg GermanyJul 2024Der ukrainische Tenor bewegt sich auf künstlerischer und dramaturgischer Augenhöhe mit Asmik Grigorian, wenn er mit der Arie „E lucevan le stelle“ des Cavaradossi aus der „Tosca“ eine erste sängerische Kostprobe in den Innenhof des fürstlichen Schlosses stellt. Mit der Kraft seiner dramatisch aufgeladenen Stimme weiß er geschickt umzugehen, führt sie ebenso gekonnt in lyrische Passagen seiner Partien, und findet sich immer bestens abgestimmt ein in die Duette mit Grigorian. [translation]The Ukrainian tenor is on an artistic and dramaturgical level with Asmik Grigorian when he gives his first vocal taste in the courtyard of the princely castle with the aria "E lucevan le stelle" by Cavaradossi from "Tosca". He knows how to use the power of his dramatically charged voice skilfully, leads it just as skilfully into lyrical passages of his parts, and always finds himself perfectly coordinated in the duets with Grigorian.
- Andreas Meixner, Mittelbayerische
- 15 July 2024
Carmen (Bizet)
Glyndebourne Opera FestivalMay 2024 - Jun 2024Popov owns a great, dramatic voice with an extensive range and powerful ringing high notes. His acting is excellent too. His José comes across as a complex character, capable of great tenderness but also of jealous rage and violence when angry.
Alongside Chaieb’s accomplished Carmen, Dmytro Popov’s Don José was vibrantly, stirringly sung.
- Barry Millington, The Standard
- 17 May 2024
His “La fleur que tu m’avais jetée” was remarkable, a glorious combination of lyrical beauty and pathos.
- David Karlin, Bachtrack
- 17 May 2024
José is sung with a strong, vibrant tone by the Ukranian tenor Dmytro Popov, outstanding in his Act II aria, drawn inexorably into Carmen’s dark web
- Nicholas Kenyon, The Telegraph
- 17 May 2024
Carmen’s love interest-turned-murderer Don José, played by Dmytro Popov, pulled us in with his electric high register
- Hattie Butterworth , Gramophone
- 20 May 2024
Iolanta (Tchaikovsky)
Slovak Philharmonic, Bratislava Music FestivalSep 2023 - Sep 2023[translated] The biggest part is Count Vaudémont, in which the now world-renowned Ukrainian tenor Dmytro Popov demonstrated both the beauty and colour of the metal spinto tenor, as well as his excellent technical leadership. Thanks to him, the phrases in the highest position flowed uninterruptedly, the voice had sonority, volume and richness of expression in the entire range. It was a performance that we haven't heard in Bratislava for a long time. Najväčším je part Vaudémonta, v ktorom ukrajinský tenorista dnes už svetového mena Dmytro Popov preukázal rovnako krásu a farebnosť kovového spinto tenoru, ak aj jeho excelentné technické vedenie. Vďaka nemu frázy v najvyššej polohe tiekli neprerušovane, hlas mal zvučnosť, objem a výrazové bohatstvo v celom rozsahu. Bol to výkon, aký sme v Bratislave už dávno nepočuli.
- Pavel Unger, Opera Slovakia
- 29 September 2023
Rusalka (Dvořák)
Bayerische StaatsoperMay 2023The fact that the revival of this "Rusalka" production was so impressive is also due to the consistently excellent cast, right down to the smallest roles. The Ukrainian Dmytro Popov gave the prince lyrical emphasis and radiant height(...) [translated] Dass die Wiedera,ufnahme dieser "Rusalka"-Produktion so beindruckend gelang, liegt auch an der durchgehend hervorragenden Besetzung bis in die kleinsten Rollen hinein. Der Ukrainer Dmytro Popov gab dem Prinzen lyrische Emphase und strahlkräftige Höhe(...)
- Fridemann Leipold, BR Klassik
- 15 May 2023
"Remembrance and Hope" - Concert for Ukraine
Metropolitan Opera, New YorkFeb 2023Dmytro Popov speaks with AFP in between rehearsals ahead of Friday's concert of "Remembrance and Hope"
- 24 February 2023
La Traviata (Verdi)
Metropolitan Opera, New YorkFeb 2023His opening lines as he stepped out of the party crowd carried with a firm tone that suggested a slightly more mature Alfredo; this quality lent itself nicely to the protective way he entreats for Violetta’s health and happiness.
- Logan Martell, Opera Wire
- 10 March 2023
Carmen (Bizet)
San SebastianAug 2024El Don José de Dmytro Popov brilló por su voz poderosa y bien proyectada... Dominó su papel con seguridad a prueba de bombas y estuvo muy bien en la dificilísima aria de “La fleur”. Incluso esbozó ese diminuendo en la subida final al agudo, que debe acabar en un hilo de voz...para mostrar la desaparición de la voluntad de Don José y su entrega absoluta a Carmen y que resulta endemoniado de hacer. [translated] Dmytro Popov's Don José shone with his powerful and well-projected voice... He mastered his role with bomb-proof confidence and was very good in the very difficult aria of “La fleur”. He even outlined that diminuendo in the final rise to the treble, which must end in a thread of voice to show the disappearance of Don José's will and his absolute dedication to Carmen, which turns out to be devilish to do.
- Scherzo
- 12 August 2024
El tenor Dmytri Popov se mantuvo seguro de su voz en todo momento y con una técnica particular demostraba esa seguridad cada vez que abordaba las notas altas con su broncínea y martilleante voz [translated] The tenor Dmytro Popov remained confident in his voice at all times and with a particular technique he demonstrated that assuredness every time he approached the high notes with his bronze and hammering voice.
- Nino Dentici
- 19 August 2024
Pero fue haciéndose dueño del papel y enseñó una forma de cantar muy solvente, acompañada de una estupenda actuación. Así que ambos varones cumplieron con creces. [translated] He became master of the role and showed himself to be a competent singer and a superb performer
- Mundo Classico
- 21 August 2024
Sus actuaciones siempre han sido convincentes, contando con una voz de tenor lírico de calidad [translated] His performances have always been convincing, featuring a quality lyrical tenor voice
- Beckmesser
- 04 August 2024
Absolutamente convincente vocalmente hablando fue el Don José de Dmytro Popov. Sedujo con su timbre, de importante proyección y su entrega en escena." [translation] "Vocally speaking, Dmytro Popov's Don Jose was absolutely convincing. He seduced with his timbre, which had impressive projection, and his commitment onstage
- Quincena Musical
- 08 August 2024
Carmen (Bizet)
Teatro di San CarloOct 2024Di sicuro interesse è, poi, il Don José di Dmytro Popov, molto credibile sia musicalmente che scenicamente: la voce è chiara, ha coraggiosi slanci e accenti di una autenticità non ricercata, si accompagna ad una fisicità prorompente che non stona affatto nel delineare l’ingenuità e la sostanziale immaturità del personaggio, come Carmen ben lontano dall’appassionato e violento disertore della tradizione. Così, svetta il suo canto ne La fleur que tu m’avais jetée che non si risolve in un semplice esercizio muscolare ma si arricchisce invece di sottili sfumature. [translated] Of certain interest, then, is Dmytro Popov 's Don José , very credible both musically and scenically: the voice is clear, has courageous outbursts and accents of an unsought authenticity, is accompanied by an exuberant physicality that does not clash at all in delineating the naivety and substantial immaturity of the character, like Carmen far from the passionate and violent deserter of tradition. Thus, his singing stands out in La fleur que tu m'avais jetée which does not resolve itself in a simple muscular exercise but is instead enriched with subtle nuances
- Fermata Spettacolo
- 31 October 2024
La boheme
Metropolitan OperaNov 2024The tenor was vibrant and also appealingly subtle. “Che gelida manina” had an attractive simplicity, balanced by the passion of the third act duet with Mimi. On the technical side, Popov had an impressively even and open tone throughout his range, wider and fuller at the top than one usually hears in this music.
- New York Classical Review
- 14 November 2024