- Bass

About Alexander
Kammersänger of the Hamburgische Staatsoper
In the 2024/25 season, Alexander will return to Staatsoper Hamburg for a revival of Boris Godunov and for a Gala Concert to mark the 30th anniversary of the Internationales Opernstudio Hamburg. He will also return to Teatro San Carlo di Napoli for Don Carlo and Opéra national de Paris for revivals of Rigoletto and Don Carlos. On the concert platform he will sing Verdi’s Requiem in Aix-en-Provence and Dijon with Jérémie Rhorer and the Cercle de l’Harmonie at the Gran Théâtre du Luxembourg.
Looking ahead Alexander will give his house debut at Oper Frankfurt and return to the Metropolitan Opera New York, Opéra national de Paris, as well as Staatsoper Hamburg.
Previous highlights include Lady Macbeth von Mtzensk, Lucia di Lammermoor, Turandot, Eugene Onegin and Le nozze di Figaro at the Bayerische Staatsoper; Ferrando, Il Trovatore at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden and Eugene Onegin and the title role in Boris Godunov at the Opéra national de Paris, Rigoletto at the Lyric Opera of Chicago and returns to The Metropolitan Opera as Timur (Turandot), Bayerische Staatsoper as Fasolt (Das Rheingold), Staatsoper Hamburg as Gremin (Eugene Onegin). Further appearances included Rubenstein’s Demon at the Liceu Barcelona; and in concert: Don Giovanni in Japan, Samson et Dalila at the Théâtre des Champs Elysées, and Boris Godunov at the Concertgebouw.
For availability and general enquiries:

Mark Hildrew
For availability and general enquiries:

Paul Meyer zu Schwabedissen
For availability and general enquiries:

Seb Mallet
Season Highlights
- Playing
Alexander Tsymbalyuk sings Boris Godunov
Alexander sings the title role in this new production. Credit: Staatsoper Hamburg
Alexander Tsymbalyuk sing Il Commendatore at the Met
Alexander sings "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco" Credit: Metropolitan Opera House
Alexander Tsymbalyuk sings Beethoven's Symphony no.9 in D minor.
Alexander Tsymbalyuk sings Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in D minor, conducted by Laurence Equilbey and the Insula Orchestra in January 2023. Credit: Insula Orchestra
Alexander Tsymbalyuk sings Il Grande Inquisitor
Alexander Tsymbalyuk sings “Son io dinanzi al Re?” as the Grand Inquisitor in Verdi’s Don Carlo at the Teatro San Carlo, Naples in 2022, conducted by Juraj Valčuha. Credit: Teatro San Carlo
Alexander Tsymbalyuk sings Boris Godunov
Trailer from the première of Modest Mussorgsky’s ‘Boris Godunov’ on February 13, 2013 at Bayerische Staatsoper, Munich in Alexander's role debut as Boris Godunov. Credit: Bayerische Staatsoper
- Dargomyzhsky Ja vas ljubil
- Malashkin O jesli b´mog vyrazit v zvuke
Selected Repertoire
I puritani (Sir Giorgio Valton) • Norma (Oroveso)
Lucia di Lammermoor (Raimondo Bibedint) • Maria Stuarda (Talbot)
Rusalka (Vodnik*)
Don Giovanni (Commendatore) • Le nozze di Figaro (Bartolo) • Die Zauberflöte (Sarastro*)
Boris Godunov (Title Role, Pimen*)
La boheme (Colline) • Tosca (Angelotti) • Turandot (Timur)
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (Chief of Police, Old Convict)
Eugene Onegin (Prince Gremin) • Iolanta (King Rene) • Pique Dame (Surin)
Aida (Il Re) • Attila (Leone) • Don Carlo (Filippo II, Inquisitore) • Macbeth (Banquo) • Otello (Lodovico) • Rigoletto (Sparafucile) • Simon Boccanegra (Jacopo Fiesco) • Il Trovatore (Ferrando)
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Nachtwächter) • Parsifal (Titurel) • Das Rheingold (Fafner, Fasolt) • Siegfried (Fafner) • Tannhäuser (Biterolf)
Don Carlo
Teatro di San CarloJan 2025Completano il cast: l’ottimo Alexander Tsymbalyuk che, attraverso una voce potentemente grave, restituisce in modo appropriato la severità e l’intransigenza del Grande Inquisitore." "Completing the cast: the excellent Alexander Tsymbalyuk who, through a powerfully deep voice, appropriately conveys the severity and intransigence of the Grand Inquisitor.
- GB Opera
- 19 January 2025
Convince Alexander Tsymbalyuk nei panni – atemporali, come si dirà – del Grande Inquisitore." "Alexander Tsymbalyuk is convincing in the role – timeless, as we shall say – of the Grand Inquisitor.
- Ape Musicale
- 19 January 2025
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Teatro Real MadridApr 2024Fabuloso el Sereno de Alexander Tsymbalyuk, casi —como se suele decir— el más wagneriano del reparto, aunque le dejaran sin su instrumento musical Alexander Tsymbalyuk's Fabulous Night Watchman, almost - as they say - the most Wagnerian of the cast, even though they left him without his musical instrument
- José María Marco, Opera Actual
- 25 April 2024
Alexander Tsymbalyuk was a sonorous Night Watchman.
- José Irurzun, Seen and Heard International
- 28 April 2024
También fue un lujo recurrir a un bajo de la entidad de Alexander Tsymbalyuk para la parte del Sereno. It was also a luxury to use a bass from Alexander Tsymbalyuk's entity for the Sereno part.
- Alejandro Martínez, Platea Magazine
- 29 April 2024
Un comentario al margen merece la labor del bajo ucraniano Alexander Tsymbalyuk quien interpretó con impresionantes medios las bellísimas melodías que le impuso la partitura a la breve parte del sereno y por lo que bien merecería un ascenso directo a maestro cantor. The work of the Ukrainian bass Alexander Tsymbalyuk deserves a comment, who interpreted with impressive means the beautiful melodies that the score imposed on the brief part of the watchman and for which he would well deserve a direct promotion to master singer.
- Daniel Lara, Opera World
- 29 April 2024
También fue un lujo recurrir a un bajo de la entidad de Alexander Tsymbalyuk para la parte del Sereno. It was also a luxury to use a bass from Alexander Tsymbalyuk 's entity for the watchman part.
- Alejandro Martinez, Platea Magazine
- 29 April 2024
En lo que toca a la parte vocal, estuvo muy bien y muy entregado el coro, así como los papeles secundarios y los maestros, con especial destaque para el Sereno de Alexander Tzymbalyuk Regarding the vocal part, the choir was very good and very dedicated, as well as the supporting roles and the teachers, with special emphasis on Alexander Tzymbalyuk's Sereno
- Teresa Cascudo, Mundo Clasico
- 03 May 2024
Eugene Onegin
New National Theatre TokyoJan 2024 - Feb 2024As Prince Gremin, Ukrainian bass Alexander Tsymbalyuk prompted enthusiastic applause for his exquisite aria in Act 3. His sonorous and soothing voice, along with his noble figure, was truly scene-stealing.
- Opera Today
- 08 February 2024
Alexander Tsymbalyuk exhibió una hermoso timbre al ejecutar la famosa aria del tercer acto como Príncipe Gremin, recibiendo también cálidas muestras de aprecio. [Translated] Alexander Tsymbalyuk exhibited beautiful timbre when performing the famous third act aria as Prince Gremin, also receiving warm expressions of appreciation.
- Opera Actual
- 30 January 2024
Royal Albert HallNov 2023 - Nov 2023The Ukrainian bass Alexander Tsymbalyuk was equally moving as her father René, gradually coming to understand the disastrous consequences of his misguided attempts to shelter his daughter from reality.
- The Guardian
- 09 November 2023
Alexander Tsymbalyuk was a reflective King René, delivering a father wracked with guilt and at war with himself in his constant ruminations as to how best he might secure Iolanta’s happiness. Tsymbalyuk was particularly impressive in his delivery of René’s arioso, plangently sung with his elegant bass.
- Bachtrack
- 11 November 2023
Boris Godunov
Hamburgische StaatsoperSep 2023 - Oct 2023The success of any production stands and falls with the casting of the title role. Alexander Tsymbalyuk had already collaborated with Nagano on an earlier production in Gothenburg, and his vocal authority was never once in question. Some have greatness thrust upon them, it is said. From his first entrance, clad in a cherry-red military uniform and thick white ermine, the liquorice-black of his voice commanded attention, and yet he also managed to convey an air of bewilderment. Is this really me at the pinnacle of power, or am I merely being directed by the forces of the deep state, he seemed to be suggesting. The only streak of viciousness came in the final scene when, desperate to get at the truth of events that happened elsewhere, he throttles the conniving Prince Shuisky, drawing his sword on him. Here too, Boris becomes a figure of pity in his death throes, kneeling to face his son Fyodor and begging him to take care of his daughter Xenia.
- Bachtrack
- 17 September 2023
Le chanteur ukrainien Alexander Tsymbalyuk revient dans ce rôle de Boris dont il est devenu un interprète phare, et qu'il abordait pour la première fois à Munich il y a dix ans justement avec Kent Nagano dans la fosse. Il revient aussi en cette maison hambourgeoise où il fut membre de la troupe. Vêtu tantôt en livrée impériale avec sceptre, tantôt en uniforme cosaque dans ses appartements privés, il chante ici un souverain plutôt tendre et tourmenté par sa conscience, loin de l'image sanglante de Staline. Son émission est très lisse, rectiligne mais cristalline, émaillée d'un fin vibrato dans les aigus tendus, avec une assise puissante et une souveraine rondeur. La prosodie est impeccable et au service d'un jeu investi qui va en crescendo notamment dans le dernier tableau. La mort de son personnage représente le sommet de cette expressivité, appréciée par l'auditoire qui applaudit avant la fin de la scène. [Translated] The Ukrainian singer Alexander Tsymbalyuk returns in this role of Boris of which he has become a flagship interpreter, and which he tackled for the first time in Munich ten years ago precisely with Kent Nagano in the pit. He also returns to this Hamburg house where he was a member of the troupe. Sometimes dressed in imperial livery with scepter, sometimes in Cossack uniform in his private apartments, he sings here of a rather tender sovereign tormented by his conscience, far from the bloody image of Stalin. Its emission is very smooth, rectilinear but crystalline, punctuated with a fine vibrato in the tight highs, with a powerful base and a sovereign roundness. The prosody is impeccable and serves an invested game which builds to a crescendo , particularly in the last scene. The death of his character represents the peak of this expressiveness, appreciated by the audience who applaud before the end of the scene.
- Olyrix
- 29 September 2023
In der Titelrolle sorgte ehemaliges Hamburger Ensemblemitglied Alexander Tsymbalyuk durch seine prachtvolle, klangfarbenreiche Bass-Stimme für Gänsehautmomente. Seine Interpretation stellte die Titelfigur eben nicht bloß als boshaft-durchtriebenen Herrscher, sondern als Machtmensch in all seinen Facetten dar. Ihm war glücklicherweise auch die von der Partie geforderte, ins Baritonale grenzende, Höhe gegeben. Im Sterben des Boris zeigte Tsymbalyuk, zu welch herzergreifenden Dramatik seine Stimme und Mimik in der Lage sind! [Translated] In the title role, former Hamburg ensemble member Alexander Tsymbalyuk caused goosebumps with his magnificent, richly colored bass voice. His interpretation portrayed the title character not just as a malicious, cunning ruler, but as a power-monger in all his facets. Fortunately, he was also given the height that the role demanded, bordering on the baritone. In Boris's death, Tsymbalyuk showed what heart-rending drama his voice and facial expressions are capable of!
- Das Opernmagazin
- 02 October 2023
"Boris Godunow" ist eigentlich eine Oper über das russische Volk – und doch steht auch die Titelrolle im Mittelpunkt. Mussorgsky erkundet den ambivalenten Charakter von Boris. Der wird hier von Alexander Tsymbalyuk verkörpert: weich, zweifelnd, machtgierig, schließlich wahnsinnig, aber auch von tiefer Melancholie zerrissen. [Translated] "Boris Godunov" is actually an opera about the Russian people - and yet the title role is also the focus. Mussorgsky explores the ambivalent character of Boris. This is embodied here by Alexander Tsymbalyuk: soft, doubtful, power-hungry, ultimately insane, but also torn by deep melancholy.
- BR Klassik
- 18 September 2023
Boris Godunov
Bayerische StaatsoperJul 2023So konnte man erneut den Boris der Premiere, Alexander Tsymbalyuk, erleben. Und wieder ging seine großartige singschauspielerische Leistung unter die Haut. Doch so rund und reich timbriert der Bass des Ukrainers ist, so versehrt kann er auch klingen. Denn mehr noch als bei Mussorgsky vorgesehen, ist dieser Boris schon bei seinem ersten Auftritt ein Verlorener, ein Zweifler. Später erlebt er Wahnvorstellungen und stirbt, Gott um Verzeihung bittend, barfuß an der Rampe kauernd. [Translated] So you could once again experience the Boris of the premiere, Alexander Tsymbalyuk. And again his great performance as a singer got under the skin. But as round and richly timbrated as the Ukrainian's bass is, it can also sound as broken. Because even more than Mussorgsky intended, this Boris is a lost man, a doubter, right from his first appearance. He later experiences delusions and dies, begging God's forgiveness, crouching barefoot on the ramp.
- Süddeutsche Zeitung
- 05 July 2023
Die Münchner Premiere der Urfassung von "Boris Godunow" von Modest Mussorgski war eine Sensation. Dies lag in erster Linie an dem Sänger der Titelpartie, Alexander Tsymbalyuk. [Translated] The Munich premiere of the original version of "Boris Godunow" by Modest Mussorgski was a sensation. This was primarily due to the singer in the title role, Alexander Tsymbalyuk.
- Online Merker
- 05 July 2023
Don Giovanni
Metropolitan OperaMay 2023 - Jun 2023The bass-baritone Alexander Tsymbalyuk was a suavely commanding Commendatore.
- New York Times
- 07 May 2023
Finally, in the midst of all this, Alexander Tsymbalyuk sang with imposing force, but the softer edge of his bass added a nice, almost otherworldly contrast to the rest of the cast’s vocal colors.
- Operawire
- 06 May 2023