- Tenor

About Alexey
The 2024/25 season sees Alexey debut at Teatro Regio Torino as Chekalinsky in Pique Dame and Concertgebouw Amsterdam in the roles of Sapkin, Opily vezen and Vesely vezen in House of the Dead, conducted by Karina Canellakis. He will also make a role debut as Kudrjas in Katya Kabanova for Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège and return to Israeli Opera for Cassio in Otello.
Recent engagements include a new production of House of the Dead by Dmitri Tcherniakov at Ruhrtriennale Festival, his first Prince in Rusalka at Israeli Opera and Count Vaudemont in Iolanta with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.
Alexey has worked with conductors such as Placido Domingo, Vasily Petrenko, Daniel Harding, Semyon Bychkov, Seiji Ozawa, Kirill Karabits, Gianandrea Noseda, Speranza Scappucci, Gustavo Dudamel, Alexander Shelley, Philippe Auguin, Patrick Summers, Alain Altinoglu, Dan Ettinger, Leo Hussain, Robin Ticciati, Renato Palumbo, Omer Meir Wellber, Leopold Hager and Dmitri Jurowski.
For availability and general enquiries:

Mark Hildrew
For availability and general enquiries:

Paul Meyer zu Schwabedissen
For contracts, logistics and press:

Seb Mallet
Season Highlights
- Alexey Dolgov sings the Prince in March 2024Recorded: 01 March 2024
Selected Repertoire
May Night (Levko) • The Golden Cockerel (Prince Guidon) • The Tsars Bride (Lïkov)
Wozzeck (Andres*)
Carmen (Don Jose*)
Prince Igor (Vladimir Igorevitch)
Lucia di Lammermoor (Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood)
Rusalka (The Prince)
From the House of the Dead (Shapkin) • Káťa Kabanová(Váňa Kudrjas) • Jenůfa (Steva) • The Makropulos Affair (Vítek*)
Cavalleria Rusticana (Turiddu) • Silvano (title role)
Hérodiate (Jean*)
Die Zauberflöte (Tamino) • La clemenza di Tito (Tito*)
Boris Godunov (the false Dmitry/Grigory*)
Madama Butterfly (B.F. Pinkerton) • La Rondine (Ruggero Lastouc*) • Tosca (Cavaradossi)
Aleko (Young Gipsy) • Francesca da Rimini (Damte) • The Miserly Knight (Albert)
the Demon (Prince Sinodal)
Ariadne auf Naxos (Tanzmeister, Bacchus) Salome (Narraboth*)
Mavra (Vassili/Mavra) • Oedipus Rex (Oedipus, King of Thebes)
Eugene Onegin (Lensky) • Iolanta (Vaudemont) • Pique Dame (Chekalinsky, Hermann*)
I Due Foscari (Jacopo Foscari) • Otello (CAssio) • Rigoletto (Il Duca) • La Traviata (Alfredo)
Der Fliegende Holländer (Erik)
Bournemouth Symphony OrchestraMay 2024It was Alexey Dolgov as Count Vaudémont whose heroic tenor found a natural habitat for Tchaikovsky’s soaring melodies, easily winning the hearts of Iolanta and the audience. His grand duet with Kulchynska at the work’s climax brought the evening’s finest singing.
- Opera Today
- 09 May 2024
The tenor Alexey Dolgov, as Iolanta’s lover, mustered plenty of ardour
- The Times
- 09 May 2024
Cavalleria Rusticana
West Green House OperaJul 2023 - Jul 2023“Green House Opera’s credit that they fielded two such strong casts, with principals well able to do just to their roles, in particular the two leading tenors, Alexey Dolgov as Turiddu and Ronald Samm as Canio, gave performances that any opera house worth its salt would have been proud of. Alexey Dolgov (who sang Chekalinsky in the Grange Festival’s recent Queen of Spades) made a strong Turiddu. Young and personable, this was a Turiddu with a great confidence in his own abilities, and the way Dolgov sweet-talked both of the women in his life, Lola (Angharad Lyddon) and Santuzza (Samantha Crawford), was wonderfully effective. This Turiddu wasn’t at all nasty, just thoughtless and selfish, and with a manner which threatened to draw us in. Dolgov has a powerful, quite incisive voice […] and he had the power to sing Turiddu without tiring, giving a wonderfully consistent, strong and undoubtedly thrilling performance.”
Deutsche Staatsoper BerlinJun 2022Das Kind, das Jenůfa von ihm bekommen hat, will er nicht einmal ansehen. Höchst präsent als großspurigen Prahlhans, unreif und ohne Rückgrat verkörperte Alexey Dolgov diese Figur. [Translated] Števa, on the other hand, is irresponsible from his first appearance. He doesn't even want to look at the child Jenůfa had from him. Highly present as a boastful showoff, immature and without a backbone, Alexey Dolgov embodied this figure.
- Bachtrack
- 14 June 2022
Eugene Onegin
L’Opéra Royal de Wallonie-LiègeOct 2021Molto bene invece il tenore russo Alexey Dolgov come Lensky, interpretazione in crescendo, voce luminosa e appassionata nel cantare il suo amore per Olga. [Translated] Russian tenor Alexey Dolgov as Lensky was very good, a rising interpretation, a bright and passionate voice in singing his love for Olga.
- Giornale della Musica
- 22 October 2021
Alexey Dolgov déploie en Lensky la maîtrise de son ténor slave, à la couleur argentine. Un peu d’air dans la voix se dissipe vite pour laisser son timbre se déployer, de manière touchante dans les tendres échanges avec Olga et la nostalgie de l’air “Kuda”. Les échanges avec Onéguine, dans le défi comme dans le duel, voient la jalousie et l’honneur bafoué rendus par les éclats de la voix, en parfait accord avec le jeu scénique. [Translated] Alexey Dolgov displays his masterful Slavic tenor in Lensky, with its silvery colour. A little air in the voice soon dissipates to let his tone unfold, touchingly in the tender exchanges with Olga and the nostalgia of the aria "Kuda". The exchanges with Onegin, in the challenge as in the duel, see the jealousy and the scorned honour rendered by the bursts of voice, in perfect harmony with the stage performance.
- Olyrix
- 24 October 2021
Dans le rôle de Lensky, le ténor russe Alexey Dolgov possède une voix au grain brillant, et le célèbre air « Kuda, Kuda… » n’a rien ici d’une plainte morbide : chanté sur le fil du souffle, il semble exhaler la tristesse résignée de quelqu’un qui sent sa dernière heure venue. [Translated] As Lensky, the Russian tenor Alexey Dolgov has a brilliantly grained voice, and the famous aria "Kuda, Kuda..." is not a morbid lament here: sung on the edge of breath, it seems to exude the resigned sadness of someone who feels his last hour has come.
- Opera Online
- 14 October 2021
Katya Kabanova
Opéra Royal de Wallonie-LiègeOct 2024Alexey Dolgov fut quant à lui très impressionnant dans le rôle de Vana Kudrjas épris de Varvara, la fille adoptive de la famille. On avait déjà pu l’applaudir à Liège dans un très beau Lenski en 2021 et en Pinkerton en 2020. Il fait preuve d’une émission facile et naturelle dans les aigus et d’une diction parfaite." [Translated] "Alexey Dolgov was very impressive in the role of Vana Kudrjas, in love with Varvara, the family's adopted daughter. We had already applauded him in Liège in a very beautiful Lenski in 2021 and in Pinkerton in 2020. He shows an easy and natural delivery in the high notes and perfect diction.
- Premiere Loge
- 20 October 2024
Alexey Dolgov’s as Kurdryaš is luxury casting of a singer who has sung both Lensky and Pinkerton in Liège, but it’s the peach among the three tenor roles in this opera (indeed the only sympathetic male figure). I wasn’t sure why Fattier decided to make him blind, wearing dark glasses and sporting a foldable stick but, despite this odd disguise, the character’s irrepressible optimism came across forcefully, especially in the Act Two love scene.
- Opera Logue
- 30 October 2024
Alexey Dolgov s'approprie le rôle de Váňa Kudrjáš, jeune professeur témoin des drames qui se déroulent autour de lui. Son personnage incarne une jeunesse impuissante, marquée par les désillusions et les traumatismes, avec une voix austère et maîtrisée. Le ténor, dans une puissance déclamatoire et vive, insuffle au rôle une énergie renouvelée. Ironie du sort, ce personnage-témoin est ici présenté comme aveugle." [Translated] "Alexey Dolgov takes on the role of Váňa Kudrjáš, a young teacher who witnesses the dramas unfolding around him. His character embodies a powerless youth, marked by disillusionment and trauma, with an austere and controlled voice. The tenor, with a declamatory and lively power, breathes renewed energy into the role. Ironically, this character-witness is here presented as blind.
- Olyrix
- 21 October 2024